Create a BLOG

Hi ,
          Every one of us do not want to spend money on things which will not work or do not want to waste money before trying it.If you do not want to spend money on creating a website then you are at the right place.
So you create a blog which is almost free instead of creating a website which needs money.Creating a blog is simple rather than creating a website.
"Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork"
This mean that don't do something which will cause your own downfall.So if you are not familiar with starting a website then don't try it rather try starting a blog.So what are the requirements of starting a blog.
  1. Blogging Service
  2. Domain name
  3. Hosting
  4. Content and Design
  5. Privacy
These are the essential requirements of starting a blog.Let us see in detail.


                                            So now you have decided to start a blog.Now choose the blogging software which suits you the best.There are different blogging software or service in the internet,choose which one suits you the best.
 "Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"
This mean that manage to produce something good using poor materials.So every blogging service will have good and bad review and choose the best for you.
I have recommended some of the best blogging service below.Click the banner to choose which one is best for you. 


                                  After you decided the blogging service you have to choose a domain name for your blog.The name you plan should match the content of your blog.So choosing a name for your blog is very important because the name will speak about your blog.
"The die is cast"
This mean that once a decision is made it is impossible to change it.
So it is important  to choose a name which is best for you and  can not be changed later.
Once you choose a name then proceed to next step.


                       Once a blog is created it should be live on internet.To make it live you have to host it.There are two types of hosting ,
  • Free hosting
  • Paid hosting
Free hosting usually comes with blogging service in which you can use it .There are other free web hosts which provides various features for your blog.
"Snug as a bug in a rug"
This mean that feeling very comfortable .
So be comfortable to use free web hosts which sounds good for your blog.
I recommend some of the best Hosting for your blog.Click the banner below to choose the best for you.

Paid hosting means you will have more control over your blog than free hosting .So choosing paid hosting for your blog is best when your site have more visitors so that your site will not load slow and attract more viewers.I recommend some of the best paid hosting for your blog.So click the banner below to choose the best for you.


                                         Once you are ready to create a blog then you need the content for your blog.
Content is nothing but body of your blog.Choose what type of blog you want then design accordingly.So choosing content is up to you because it is the key of your blog as said earlier.Plan accordingly and design your blog with templates and widgets to give your blog a good look.


                   " Walls have ears"

This mean that people are listening and be careful.So don't thing that it is only a blog and does not need privacy.Privacy is important so that your job is done perfectly.Make use of the free privacy given by your blogging service.If you are serious about your blog then you can use paid privacy in which you have to spend some money.
I recommend some of the best privacy services here.Click on the banner below to choose the best.

That is all about creating a blog.To make the best of you see the tips and suggestions page.

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